A day in the life of a Right At School kid!

Kids spend up to 15 hours in after school programs every week. Do you know what your kiddo is doing during that time? At Right At School, giving families peace of mind is a big part of our job. So let us walk you through all the ways your child will learn, play, and grow in a typical afternoon with RAS.

registered yet?

If you’re ready to sign up, visit our 
Program Finder to select your school and view program offerings, schedules, and pricing.

So Many Ways to RAS!

We work closely with your school and district leaders to align our program with the needs, policies, and educational priorities of your community. Every RAS program consists of these 8 building blocks, though the order and schedule may vary by location.

Get to Know the RAS Family Portal!

View our detailed user guide to learn how to change schedules, add authorized pick-ups, stay in touch, and more!


Check-In & Attendance

As soon as the final school bell rings, your child will hop, skip, and jump down the hallway to the designated RAS rendezvous point. We start by taking attendance and making sure that every child on the roster for that day is accounted for. A team member will lead the kids in a quick warm-up game while we wait for everyone to arrive.


Every time we transition kids from one area to another, such as the classroom to the playground and back, we do a “name to face.” Our team members keep the daily roster on their clipboards and make sure they get eyes on your kiddo before moving to a new location.


Town Hall & Snack

Hear ye! Hear ye! RAS is a tight-knit community of students and educators, so we start every afternoon with a Town Hall. We get kids excited about the activities ahead, do a community-building activity, celebrate birthdays, and shout out students for big wins (like Sammy acing his spelling test!)... all while enjoying a healthy snack!


All RAS snacks are nut-free, low in sugar, and packed with nutrition. Does your child have a unique allergy? Let us know during registration and we’ll be sure to stock a yummy replacement!


Right Moves

You probably know that kids are bursting with energy… like 99% of the time. That’s why we run, jump, stretch, and dance to “get the wiggles out” before putting our brains to work!


RAS fitness activities come with adaptations to ensure that kids of all abilities and skill levels can participate and finish with a sense of accomplishment.


Language Adventures

NEW THIS YEAR! All RAS kiddos will spend ten minutes each day learning a second language. PreK–First Graders will learn the Spanish words for shapes, colors, numbers, and more, while our older students will learn American Sign Language (ASL)!


Learning sign language isn’t just a great way to communicate with the hearing impaired. ASL helps kids build social skills and develop creative and abstract thinking!


Homework Time

Each day, we help kids finish their homework… so you can reclaim the weeknight for family fun! Our educators split kids into similar age groups, foster a calm environment, and provide one-on-one support when kids need help.


We make sure kids feel supported, but we never solve problems for them. Our educators patiently coach kids through their homework to help them arrive at the answers on their own.


Daily Double

Every RAS kid gets a daily double dose of fun fitness and hands-on learning! Depending on the size of your RAS program, we’ll split kids into multiple groups and rotate stations, or experience each part of the Daily Double as one group.

Station 1

Play Right Fitness

Red rover, red rover, send Elsa right over! In the gym, on the playground, rain or shine, we’ll get our muscles moving to classic schoolyard games or sports like kickball and soccer.

Station 2

Disguised Learning

Shhhh! Don’t tell the kids they’re learning! Our hands-on enrichment activities range from silly science experiments to feats of toothpick engineering, globe-trotting adventures, songwriting competitions, and beyond. Hidden in each Disguised Learning activity is a deeply thoughtful lesson plan with learning objectives tied to state and national standards… but kids just know that they’re having a blast!


You might be surprised if your kiddo isn’t bringing home takeaways from our learning activities, but that’s by design! We usually collaborate on building and art projects, and we do our best to reuse and recycle as many materials as possible. View our 2024-2025 Curriculum Calendar.


Self-Directed Inquiry

Kids need free time to choose their own activities and cultivate independence. We end every day with options! Board games, arts and crafts, collaborative group projects, quiet reading, free play with friends, and more.


We end the day with self-directed inquiry to accommodate the staggered arrival of guardians. That way, nobody’s missing out on core experiences if mom arrives a little bit early!


Pick-Up Time

All the best days come to a close. We hope that by the time you arrive, you’ll have a happy, engaged, perhaps even tuckered out kiddo to enjoy a relaxing evening at home as a family.


Bring your ID to pick-up, and make sure you’ve added all your authorized pick-up people to your RAS Family Portal account. We will only release your child to an authorized individual with photo identification!

Get Ready for Your Kiddo's First Day at Right At School!

Here are the top five things you need to know to get started on the right foot:

Look out for a Welcome Email!

Keep an eye out for an email from us directing you to your school’s unique Welcome Page. This page will provide important, school-specific information about your Area Manager and Program Manager, drop-off/pick-up locations, supply lists, and more!

Notify us of any schedule changes or important information ASAP

Will your child be absent from program when they were scheduled to attend? No worries! Just make sure to notify your Program Manager of your child’s absence. Each program has a dedicated phone number and email address. Please provide as much advance notice as possible. Allergies, medical needs, and contact information can be updated in your RAS Family Portal account.

Complete all required forms and waivers

Don’t skip a beat! Sign and submit all required documents such as medical paperwork and state-required childcare forms before your child’s first day of programming. You can find and sign all required paperwork in your RAS Family Portal account.

Check out our other programs and see if they're offered in your area!

In addition to After School programs, Right At School may provide Before School and Winter, Spring, and Summer Break Camps in some locations. We also offer full-day care on non-school days, specialty clubs, and more! Check out our Program Finder to see what programs are offered at your school.

 View your Family Handbook to learn more!

All of this information can be found in greater detail in your Family Handbook, along with important policies and procedures related to technology, health and safety, emergency plans, holiday and school closures, and more! Follow the link below and use the form to access your school district’s handbook.

Ready to Hop Aboard 
the RAS Express to
Fun Town?!

We cannot wait to meet your kiddo and introduce them to the entire RAS family! Visit our Program Finder to select your school and view program offerings, schedules, and pricing.