Financial Assistance & Discounts

Ensuring that all families, regardless of their financial situation, can access Right At School’s enrichment programs is central to our mission. From RAS discounts that benefit families from different walks of life, to state-funded Child Care Assistance Programs, to other state and federal assistance programs, this page outlines all the ways your family can access Right At School at a reduced price. Select a topic below to start exploring!

Questions? Reach out to our Customer Support team!


Right At School is pleased to offer families a variety of ways to save on tuition.

Please note that discounts vary by location and may not be combined. Use the form on this page to apply for a discount for which your family qualifies. You will then receive an email with information about how to apply your discount.

Sibling Discounts

Each child you enroll in Right At School programs in addition to the first qualifies for our Sibling Discount. This discount will automatically apply to your rate at checkout when you register two or more children at the same location.

If you have children attending different schools, please reach out to our team to get the sibling discount applied. If you remove all but one child from RAS programs, the discount will be rescinded and debited to your account.


Military Discounts

Right At School is proud to provide a discount for Active Duty U.S. military families. To qualify for this discount, the enrolled child’s legal guardian must be able to provide verification in the form of an Activity Duty Military ID. Please upload a digital copy of your ID or LES statement in the Discount Application Form.

Free & Reduced Lunch

As part of our commitment to serving diverse communities and ensuring that every child has access to our programs, we offer discounts based on a child’s free and/or reduced lunch status. Please upload a digital copy of your child’s free and/or reduced lunch approval letter in the Discount Application Form so we can verify your child’s eligibility for this discount. In districts where all students receive Free Lunch, families can verify their eligibility for this discount by providing proof of their SNAP Benefits or TANF Assistance.

Please note that only students who have been approved to received free or reduced price school meals under the National School Lunch Program are eligible for this discount. Your school will issue your child an approval letter — if you do not have this letter, please contact your school administrators.

District Employee Discount

At Right At School, we highly value the dedication and hard work of school district employees who play a crucial role in shaping the educational experiences of our children. In most locations, Right At School provides a discount for children whose legal guardian is employed by their child’s school district. We require proof of district employment to qualify for this discount. Please upload a photo of your school badge/ID so we can verify your eligibility for this discount.

In order to apply the District Employee Discount, registration must be completed in full. Once your registration is finalized, our team will verify your eligibility for the district employee discount and apply it accordingly.

Apply for a Discount

Please note: If you have already registered and didn’t add the discount, please reach out to our Customer Support Team and they will work with you on the verification process and getting the discount applied to your account successfully.

Limitations on Discounts

Discounts do not apply to Electives, specialty classes, drop-ins, punchcards, or registration fees. Discount information must be entered and verified at the time of registration, remaining valid for the duration of the school year. Families must apply for discounts at the beginning of each academic year or, if they enroll in additional RAS programs during the year, when they register for those programs.

Childcare Assistance

Right At School has partnered with local state agencies to provide childcare assistance programs.

Where offered, you may be eligible to receive state assistance through our program.

To get started, select your state:

If you’re uncertain about your eligibility, please select your state in the form to visit your state’s financial assistance page and follow the pre-application process outlined by your local agency.

If you’re already approved for state assistance but need to switch to our specific Right At School (RAS) program and require a Provider ID, please contact our Customer Support Team and they will provide you with the necessary information. After approval at your designated Right At School location, please submit a copy of your approval letter to our subsidy team here:

Following this, you’ll need to register for Right At School. Your approval does not automatically register you at your specific location. During the checkout process, select +Add Coupon, select Subsidy, and input your voucher number (case number) and subsidy agency when selecting the subsidy coupon. Click “finish” to enter a queue, but note that this doesn’t complete your registration. We must receive your approval letter before processing your registration.

If you wish to proceed with registration at full cost while awaiting your approval letter, inform our team, and we can facilitate that process. Once we receive your approval letter, we’ll update your account accordingly.

Important note:

We are currently unable to accept state assistance in Arkansas, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, and Texas.Please visit our Discounts page to apply for any applicable discounts.

ELOP & ASES Programs

Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P)

The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for after school and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade in the state of California. Where available, ELO-P programs provide no-cost childcare to unduplicated students.

Right At School has been an experienced ELO-P provider since 2021. Our Disguised Learning™ curriculum and focused homework help — as well as intentional opportunities for vital peer interaction and social-emotional development — address students’ most pressing needs by helping you achieve nine or more hours every day of high-quality learning time and socialization.

If you think you qualify for ELO-P, please reach out directly to your school administrator or ELO-P Coordinator. They will collaborate with you to assess your eligibility for these programs.

After School Education and Safety Program (ASES)

The After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program provides funding for the establishment of local after school education and enrichment programs. Where available, these programs provide literacy, academic enrichment, and safe constructive alternatives for students in transitional kindergarten through ninth grade. Where available, ASES programs provide no-cost childcare to unduplicated students.

If you think you qualify for ASES, please reach out directly to your school administrator. They will collaborate with you to assess eligibility for these programs.

McKinney-Vento & Scholarships

McKinney-Vento Students

McKinney-Vento Status refers to a designation under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, a federal law in the United States. It provides support and resources for individuals and families experiencing homelessness, including children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

McKinney-Vento Status ensures that these students have access to public education and are provided with necessary support services to help them succeed academically despite their housing instability.

If you qualify for McKinney-Vento Status, please reach out directly to your Right At School Area Manager. They will collaborate with your school to assess eligibility for assistance. You can find the contact information of the Area Manager by using the Program Finder to locate your child's RAS program information.

If you're unsure about your eligibility for this status, don't hesitate to contact your school administrators directly!


In collaboration with your Right At School Area Manager and school administrators, select locations may provide a limited number of scholarships for student tuition. You can inquire about scholarship availability at your specific location by contacting your Area Manager. Use the Program Finder to locate your child’s RAS program information.